Friday, August 8, 2008

W.C. Handy Century Ride

This is a little late but here's the results from the W.C. Handy Century ride. I planned on riding the 103 mile option and things were going ok at best. I just didn't have the legs I wanted and felt a bit sluggish. It was overcast and sprinkling rain throughout the ride but I didn't run into any really bad weather. I rode about 40 miles of this century solo off the front until a group of guys were able to pull up to me. Eventually the group got smaller until there were just 3 of us. Right before we crossed the Tennessee state line, one of the ride volunteers passed us, waved us down, and told us they were not allowing anyone to ride any further north due to sever weather. This made me a bit upset but I ended up riding 90 miles. Here are a few shots of my Garmin after the ride. You can see totals for distance, average speed, calories burned, climbing, and ride time.

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